Check out our new online ordering platform



ISS Unveils Online Ordering Platform


Last month, ISS unveiled its online ordering platform which allows customers to quickly and easily place orders!

Each customer is assigned a personalized login and password that will generate an order form that contains the exact products and pricing from the past.

The customer will then input the quantity needed of each product and click “Submit”!  IT’S THAT EASY!

This will generate an email to our order fulfillment department and we will ship your order within 24 hours!

Are you a larger company with multiple locations?

That’s not a problem!  We can assign each location its own login and password.

ISS knows how important tracking your loss prevention expenses can be.  That’s why we can provide our user’s with daily, weekly, and monthly expense reports!

In addition, we can set maximum spending parameters by location to ensure budgets are met!

If you have any questions or would like to receive more information on our new online ordering platform, please contact one of our sales representatives at (800) 466-4502!


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